Friday, December 02, 2011

It's incredibly disconcerting to raise a forkful of food to one's mouth, only to have most of it fall off due to the shaking brought on by essential tremors. Not actually complaining. After all, I've had a pretty damn good life, and this is really more like a speed bump.

Still, I'm really beginning to understand - viscerally - the phrase "Growing old is not for the faint-of-heart". Neither am I asking for sympathy. I'm merely sharing something that comes to mind almost every time I eat, shave, or hold a glass of liquid. I recall it happening to my mother; now it's happening to me.

As I round the last turn and head into the home stretch, the changes are fascinating and, as a Baby Boomer (born in 1947), soon many of you will be following along. So get your whip ready. The race is getting interesting and it's going to take all you can muster to finish respectably. Thanks for listening to me bitch and moan.

Marx Knew More Than You Think

Marx suggested the last stage of Capitalism was what he called "State-Monopoly" Capitalism. He also said consolidation was an inexorable law of Capitalism. Do you think maybe he knew something?

Regardless of what you may think about Karl Marx and the history of Socialism & Communism, current events seem to be vindicating his economic and historical prescience. Read on!

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6 Shocking Revelations About Wall Street's "Secret Government"

Top officials willfully concealed the true extent of the 2008-'09 bailouts from Congress and the public.

We now have concrete evidence that Wall Street and Washington are running a secret government far removed from the democratic process. Through a freedom of information request by Bloomberg News, the public now has access to over 29,000 pages of Fed documents and 21,000 additional Fed transactions that were deliberately hidden, and for good reason. (See here and here.)

These documents show how top government officials willfully concealed from Congress and the public the true extent of the 2008-'09 bailouts that enriched the few and enhanced the interests of giant Wall Street

These documents show how top government officials willfully concealed from Congress and the public the true extent of the 2008-'09 bailouts that enriched the few and enhanced the interests of giant Wall Streets firms. Here’s what we now know: 

  • The secret Wall Street bailouts totaled $7.77 trillion, 10 times more than the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) passed by Congress in 2008. 
  • Knowledge of the secret bailout funds was not shared with Congress even while it was drafting and debating legislation to break up the big banks.
  • The secret funding, provided at below-market rates, gave Wall Street banks an additional $13 billion in profits. (That’s enough money to hire more than 325,000 entry level teachers.)
  • The secret loans financed bank mergers so that the largest banks could grow even larger. The money also allowed banks to step up their lobbying efforts. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Use Social to Kick Some Innovation Ass!

What can I say that hasn't been said already. You want to give your people the power to innovate. Give them what they need to communicate and collaborate. Help them talk to each other and share ideas. Allow them to vote up or down and to participate in the laying, incubating, and hatching of innovative concepts, processes, services, and products. No limits.

PS - Note the use of Jive SBS by Cerner, mentioned at the end of the article.

Gia Lyons | Aug 23, 2011 | Comments: 0

Screen shot 2011-07-04 at 1.32.48 PM.png
(Attribution to Duff Goldman from Food Network’s Ace of Cakes for using his trademark slogan in our title. Thanks, Duff!)

What does it take to come up with a good idea? Sometimes, all you need is a good night’s sleep and time to think. But for companies who live or die based on their ability to innovate, it takes much more, and on a grander scale.

Using Social Business Software, some of our customers have figured out how to scale their innovative efforts beyond traditional R&D teams, knowledge management systems, and customer focus groups.

They’ve recognized that:

* Innovation can happen anywhere, by anyone, not just in R&D;

* Innovative conversations get stuck in people’s Sent Mail folder, lost to the ether after hanging up the phone, or never written down after a meeting; and

* People sometimes don’t know what they know until someone asks them the right question (or, to quote one of my KM friends, “It’s about the interaction, stupid.”)

Companies using Social Business Software are able to cast a wider net for innovative ideas, not only among employees, but also with partners, customers, industry thought leaders, and more.

Take, for example, what Joe Bush from Cerner, a healthcare innovator, says:

A majority of our members, clinicians and IT staffers, simply want a  valuable way to connect, learn, and share with others like them.  The ER  physician in Seattle wants to know how he can decrease wait times for his patients through advanced queuing.  An ER physician in Tampa has done just that.  uCern [powered by Jive] helps establish that relationship as well as provide a community where that process can be shared with the physician in Seattle, as well as with thousands of other physicians in uCern.  uCern is not only Jive SBS technology, it is a highly connected web of  interactions across Cerner, our clients, and the complex healthcare environment, with information and relationships at the core.

How is your organization using Social Business Software to amplify innovation?

Oy is Right!

What can I say? I run into this on a daily basis, peddling my services to small business (and I do mean small) here in my little corner of the world. I emphasize it's free, available, and that I plan to show them how and get out of the way; not do it for them. Unfortunately, most of those who want to engage me also want me to do it for them.

They don't get much for what I cost and they're willing to pay, but I keep on harping and showing them how they can find the time for it and how to minimize just how much time they need. What's astonishing is the knowledge that many small business owners will sit around and chew the fat with their customers, but see social media as a waste of their valuable time. OY, indeed!

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Social MediaAugust 24, 2011By Lisa Barone

Hiscox, a small business insurance company, recently published a survey of 304 small business leaders to find out more about their social media use. Somewhat shockingly (at least to me), only 12 percent of respondents described social media promotion as a “must” for their businesses, with 47 percent of SMBs admitting that they still don’t use social media at all for business purposes. However, they are still hooked on word of mouth marketing, with 50 percent of SMBs saying they couldn’t live without it.

Hmm, I guess social media, that place where people sign on to talk about your business, doesn’t count as “word of mouth marketing.”

While the education component acknowledges a natural learning curve, it is one that small business owners will need to overcome and tackle if they want to compete in the digital age. With more than 100 million users on LinkedIn, 500+ million users on Facebook and 200+ million users on Twitter, your audience is waiting for you to get involved. Your customers are on social media, which means you need to be, as well. And though the tools are new and can be intimidating until you find your legs, the core of social media isn’t much more than just talking to people. More specifically, social media is about talking to your customers. You need to make time to do that

And that really is the most important component – making time.


Good Thing We're Depending on the Russians!

Two failures in less than 10 days? Pretty ironic this would happen almost immediately after America's Shuttle program comes to an end, forcing us to depend almost solely on Russian spacecraft to resupply ISS. As it now stands, I don't believe we will have the domestic capability to launch supplies, let alone human beings, for at least a couple of years and, if NASA doesn't pull the trigger on a new heavy lift configuration for the nation, it will be even longer. This may just be a speed bump but, as I said, it's rather ironic given Russia's long history of success.

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CNN World

Russia: Cargo rocket crashes in Siberia

A rocket blasts off from the Russian leased Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on July 18.
A rocket blasts off from the Russian leased Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on July 18.

(CNN) -- A Russian space freighter carrying cargo to the International Space Station has crashed in a remote area of Siberia, Russian emergency officials said Wednesday.

The unmanned Progress cargo craft, which launched at 7 p.m. in Kazakhstan (9 a.m. ET) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, was due to dock with the ISS on Friday.

"The situation with the loss of the Progress is not good, of course, but there are stocks of necessities aboard the ISS to support the cosmonauts that will be sufficient to last out until the arrival of the next Progress" cargo ship, Russia's Space Mission Control executive Vladimir Solovyov told Russia's Interfax news agency.

Space experts said Wednesday's crash was the first failure of a Progress cargo unit in more than 30 years of operation.

However, it is the second failed space launch in Russia in less than 10 days.

On August 18, Russia lost a sophisticated Express-AM4 telecommunications satellite when the launch vehicle put it into the wrong orbit.

He said the six people currently living on the ISS are "well supplied -- actually oversupplied" since the delivery of goods by the final U.S. shuttle mission, carried out by Atlantis last month.

NASA is now reliant on the Russian space agency to ferry U.S. astronauts to orbit, since the grounding of the U.S. shuttle fleet has left the United States with no way to lift humans into space.

Plans are in the works for private companies to begin shipping cargo to the station, and eventually to carry astronauts as well.


Thursday, June 30, 2011

2012 Republican Political Survival Suit

The article is pretty straight forward political analysis, but the graphic is priceless satire . . . and sarcasm. There is no love lost between me and many of our so-called Democratic leaders, but the Republican party has surely gone off the ideological deep end and is quickly morphing into a well-off, red, white, and blue version of the Taliban. This seems to me a very creative version of a unisex burqa.

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Editorial: Eight myths to chill an old-school Republican soul

Editorial: Eight myths to chill an old-school Republican soul

By the Editorial Board |

Posted: Sunday, June 26, 2011 12:00 am

| (233) Comments


When Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and House Majority
Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va.,
the (no longer) bipartisan deficit-reduction talks last
week, it was not exactly a
"Profiles in Courage"

Serious deficit reduction can't be — and shouldn't be —
accomplished without tax increases and broad elimination of tax
expenditures, which would have the effect of raising taxes. The
National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform last year


But tax increases, in whatever guise, fail the current
Republican purity laws. Mr. Cantor, who will be running for
reelection next year, understands that very well. So does Mr. Kyl,
who won't seek reelection in 2012 — though he's generously
offered himself
as a vice presidential nominee.

It's sad to see what has happened to the Party of Lincoln, and
for that matter, the party of lesser mortals like George H.W. Bush
of Texas, Bob Dole of Kansas and Jack Danforth of Missouri. No one
ever would mistake them for liberals, but they were statesmen who
put country before party.

Today we have the spectacle of smart, patriotic men and women
putting their brains and integrity on ice to please a party
dominated by anti-intellectual social Darwinists and the plutocrats
who finance and mislead them.

Consider the mythology that makes up GOP
orthodoxy today. Imagine the contortions that cramp the brains and
souls of men and women of intelligence and compassion who seek
state and national office under the Republican banner.

• They must believe, despite the evidence of the 2008 financial
collapse, that unregulated — or at most, lightly regulated —
financial markets are good for America and the world.

• They must believe in the brilliantly cast conceit known as the
"pro-growth agenda," in which economic growth can be attained only
by reducing corporate and individual tax rates, especially among
the investor class, and by freeing business from environmental
rules that have cleaned up America's air and water and labor
regulations that helped create America's middle class.

• Though rising health care costs are pillaging the economy, and
even though health care in America is now a matter of what you can
afford, Republican candidates for office must deny that health care
is a basic right and resist a real attempt to change and improve
the system.

• GOP candidates must scoff at scientific consensus about global
warming. Blame it on human activity? Bad.
Cite Noah's Ark
as evidence? Good. They must express at least
some doubt about the science of evolution.

• They must insist, statistics and evidence to the contrary,
that most of the nation's energy needs can be met safely with more
domestic oil drilling, "clean-coal" technology and greater reliance
on perfectly safe nuclear power plants.

• They must believe that all 11.2 million undocumented
immigrants living in the United States can be rounded up, detained,
tried, repatriated and kept from returning at a reasonable

• Even though there are more than four unemployed persons for
every available job, GOP candidates should at least hint that
unemployment benefits keep people from seeking jobs.

• They must believe that the Founding Fathers wanted to
guarantee individuals the absolute right to own high-capacity,
rapid-fire weapons that did not exist in the late 18th century.

By no means is this list complete. It almost makes you feel
sorry for the people who pretend to believe this stuff. Almost.

Posted in


Sunday, June 26, 2011 12:00 am

Updated: 10:32 am.

| Tags:

Jon Kyl,

Eric Cantor,

Deficit Reduction,

Republic Myths,

Litmus Test,


Budget Talks,


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Is SEO Just About Dead?

Well, maybe not dead, but if this guy is correct (and I have reason to believe he is pretty darn close) one of SEO's holiest of grails (meta keywords) seems to be pretty much a waste of effort. Anyone disagree? I'd surely like to know how to position my efforts wisely.

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Meta stuff


The search engines pay virtually zero (0) attention to meta stuff anymore mainly due to abuse over the years. The only thing they might MIGHT use would be a meta description to use as the snippet in a search result, but in my experience even well crafted meta descriptions only get picked up 40 to 50% of the time. The rest of the time the search engines will make their own decision. And meta tags are not even considered at all. They completely ignore them (again due to abuse). The search engines will look at your content and pull what they consider to be the important keywords out of your content.

On my client's site's even though I have the ability to add keywords I don't even bother as the search engines don't use them. I do meta descriptions, but given they only use them about 40-50% of the time I don't spend a lot of time on them.

Catagorize and tag your posts (total of 12 maximum tags + categories), use keywords in your titles and in your content but do not overuse them and everything will be fine. WordPress.COM has some of the best SEO right out of the bag of anywhere around and a wordpress.COM blog with the exact same content will always be higher in search results than a self-hosted blog with all the SEO tricks.

Worry about creating high quality content, post regularly, use keywords in the content and titles and forget about all the rest.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to Get Your Business Growing Again

New businesses get a lot of attention, whether it's strategies for building a social media base or applying for a first bank loan. Less often do we see attention for businesses that have been around for more than a decade and are profitable but in a holding pattern. To compete with today's newer, faster, leaner and most likely e-commerce-friendly businesses, these older companies need to get the wheels spinning again.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How We Got To Where We Are

Although it's obvious English is not Marie's first language, her passion and understanding of the things she writes about are admirable. Here she writes about how power resides, ultimately, in we the people and how so much of our progress in civil rights and economic justice has been bequeathed to us by prior generations of sacrifice. This is a good read.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Using Your Menu Wisely!

Precipitated by an inter-continental Twitter discussion involving, among other things, Chicken-fried Steak, Vinnie Mirchandani (author of "The New Polymath") posted this instructive picture of a menu, with comments on what makes it useful and well-designed.

Any of my restaurant friends paying attention?

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The "Menu Magician"

I saw this in the Southwest Spirit magazine. Gregg Rapp runs a boot camp and a consulting practice to help restaurants rethink their menu to become a sales tool.

Menu magician
See more at

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Though I've been targeting businesses with lots of foot traffic and churn (e.g. restaurants, retail stores, bars, service providers), I recently got a Dentist's office as a client. It's going to be fun to see if a place people don't exactly go to for fun can nevertheless take advantage of the free ads provided by apps like Foursquare and, perhaps, Groupon . . . as well as other methods like Facebook fan pages, etc. Anyone have any experiences to share.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do We Need Incentives for Innovators?

This is a nice piece on the value - actually its lack of value - of providing extrinsic, monetary incentives to "drive" innovation. Mention is made of the value of "observable work" in making the contributions of participants in workflow visible to all who care to look. There are many others who have pointed this out in similar contexts, including Alfie Kohn, Dr. Russel Ackoff, and W. Edward Deming.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

They're at it Again; Budget Gamesmanship

The thought of having to give up any of my meager Social Security and upcoming Medicare benefits (which, correct me if I'm wrong here, I've paid into for about 45 years) is really thrilling; especially when I know it will be used to fund tax cuts for people who have more money than they're actually worth.

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Tax Cuts for the Rich on the Backs of the Middle Class; or, Paul Ryan Has Balls

Paul Ryan, the Republican Party’s latest entrant in the seemingly endless series of young, prickish, over-coiffed, anal-retentive deficit Robespierres they’ve sent to the political center stage in the last decade or so, has come out with his new budget plan. All of these smug little jerks look alike to me – from Ralph Reed to Eric Cantor to Jeb Hensarling to Rand Paul and now to Ryan, they all look like overgrown kids who got nipple-twisted in the halls in high school, worked as Applebee’s shift managers in college, and are now taking revenge on the world as grownups by defunding hospice care and student loans and Sesame Street. They all look like they sleep with their ties on, and keep their feet in dress socks when doing their bi-monthly duty with their wives.

You push a policy like that in the middle of a shaky economy, of course we’re going to have debt problems. But the issue is being presented as if the debt comes entirely from growth in entitlement spending. It’s bad enough that middle-class taxpayers have been forced in the last few years to subsidize the vacations and beach houses of the idiots who caused the financial crisis, and it’s doubly insulting that they’re now being blamed for the budget mess.

But the icing on the cake comes when a guy like David Brooks – like me a coddled, overcompensated media yuppie whose idea of sacrifice is raking one’s own leaves – comes out and calls Paul Ryan courageous for having the guts to ask seniors to cut back on their health care in order to pay for our tax breaks.

The absurd thing is that Ryan’s act isn’t even politically courageous. It’s canny calculation, but courage it is not. It would be courageous if Ryan were, say, the president of the United States, and leaning on that budget with his full might. But Ryan is proposing a budget he knows would have no chance of passing in the Senate. He is simply playing out a part, a non-candidate for the presidency pushing a rhetorical flank for an out-of-power party leading into a presidential campaign year. If the budget is a hit with the public, the 2012 Republican candidate can run on it. If it isn’t, the Republican candidate can triangulate Ryan’s ass back into the obscurity from whence it came, and be done with him. 

No matter what, Ryan’s gambit, ultimately, is all about trying to get middle-class voters to swallow paying for tax cuts for rich people. It takes chutzpah to try such a thing, but having a lot of balls is not the same as having courage.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Revolution or Transformation

Steve Brant makes a compelling argument for how we need to envision our world. He suggests a vision of scarcity is not congruent with reality and proposes we take an abundance view to our world. Life is not a zero-sum game, regardless of what those who would benefit from that being the case have to say about it.

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The Huffington Post
March 10, 2011
The Revolution...Sorry, Transformation Starts Now!

I predict the Naked Power Grab by the Republican party in Wisconsin will go down in history as the second "shot heard 'round the world" which began the second American Revolution. Except, if the Progressive Movement in America really wants to win this Revolution, it will not launch a revolution at all. It will launch a Transformation. The Transformation of America (and, ultimately, the world).

Eliminate fear, my fellow Progressives. That's what the people in Egypt did. And when they were no longer fearful of the power structure in their country, they were able to dismantle it and begin to build a much better country... one that will work for everyone in Egypt, not just the wealthy.

We American Progressives can do the same, except that America's position in the world will mean our work will eventually help fulfill an even greater human dream... of a WORLD (not just a country) that works for everyone!

Here's to winning the war by refusing to play on the Right's battlefield or using their rules!

Here's to winning the Revolution but not "revolting" but by "transforming" (building something better) instead!


Monday, March 07, 2011

Facebook Ads Provide Excellent Value

Let's face(book) it, Facebook has been invading our privacy for years. The result, an ability to target ads like never before. Coupled with a model that makes it easy to experiment for very little money, there's little reason not to give it a shot if you've got a Facebook Fan Page. Read this article from The Globe and Mail for more info. This is a winner for small businesses with small advertising budgets.

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The value of being 'liked'

screengrab of the facebook 'like' button - screengrab of the facebook 'like' button

How much are you willing to pay to be liked? It was a fitting question for JP Davidson and Elah Feder, the creators of “I Like You,” a podcast about modern love, from friends-with-benefits to the ins and outs of queer Jewish speed-dating.

“We were looking for new ways to expand our listenership,” says Mr. Davidson. “Like everybody else, we saw the ads in the Facebook sidebar constantly, and looked into how much it would cost to run a campaign.”

What they found was a lot of “likes” for not a lot of money. Their value, however, remains to be seen.


Saturday, February 26, 2011


Being heavily invested now is the world of small business (I suppose I could add in the word medium here and use the SMB acronym), I thought this would be interesting. However, the very first one - number 10 - is suspect. I think a much more interesting number would be the percentage of people employed by small businesses. I'll bet it would be a significant, but lower number.

I worked for two organizations that each employed around 140,000 people world-wide and there are many that big and bigger. Frankly, I would expect the number of small business, as a percentage of employers, to be that high - but I think the metric is meaningless.

Number one - the last point - makes more sense to me and sort of obviates whatever value number 10 had. However, leading off with a useless metric kind of lowers the value of everything else in my eyes. Just sayin'!

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Top Ten Reasons to Love U.S. Small Business

List highlights importance of small business to U.S. economy 

By Robert Longley, Guide

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced the top 10 reasons to love small business, what the SBA's Office of Advocacy calls "the heart of the American economy."

10. Small businesses make up more than 99.7% of all employers.

9. Small businesses create more than 50 percent of the nonfarm private gross domestic product (GDP).

8. Small patenting firms produce 13 to 14 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms.

7. The 22.9 million small businesses in the United States are located in virtually every neighborhood.

6. Small businesses employ about 50 percent of all private sector workers.

5. Home-based businesses account for 53 percent of all small businesses.

4. Small businesses make up 97 percent of exporters and produce 29 percent of all export value.

3. Small businesses with employees start-up at a rate of over 500,000 per year.

2. Four years after start-up, half of all small businesses with employees remain open.

1. The latest figures show that small businesses create 75 percent of the net new jobs in our economy.

The SBA's Office of Advocacy, the "small business watchdog" of the government, examines the role and status of small business in the economy and independently represents the views of small business to federal agencies, Congress, and the President. It is the source for small business statistics presented in user-friendly formats and it funds research into small business issues.

Source: U.S. Small Business Administration]

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Frosty, The Red-Nosed Snowman

There are lots of things I love about being a father of young children. One of them just happened in our living room while I was cleaning the kitchen. Our oldest is away with Mom at a Girl Scout activity and the youngest daughter of one of the other families is here playing with our youngest.

I just listened to her (the friends' daughter) start to sing Frosty the Snowman which, mid-way, transformed into Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and somehow ended in an amalgamated medley of the two. Listening to this incredible editing job, which I'm sure was invented on-the-fly, was priceless. I will miss this age as I miss others that have passed. Thankfully my memory isn't what it used to be, so the loss isn't melancholy for long. Still . . .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some Weird Stumble Upon-Like Thing

I came across this while looking for information on the treatment of left-handers during medieval times. This isn't from the page I found, which seems to be quite old and simplistically designed, but I thought the sentiment quite useful to memorialize.

Consider this a very public bookmarking; done so you might judge for yourself if the sentiment is worthy of a moment of your time . . . retrospectively, I realize but, well, what can I say? So sue me.

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… A Prayer by a 17th century Nun

"Lord --- Thou knowest better than I know myself that I am

growing older and will someday be old.

Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on

every subject on every occasion.

Release me from craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs.

Make me thoughtful but not moody… helpful but not bossy.

With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use it all.

But Thou knowest, Lord, that I want a few friends at the end.

Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details.

Give me wings to get to the point.

Seal my lips on my aches and pains…

They are increasing… and love of rehearsing them is

becoming gets sweeter as the time goes by.

I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of others pains…

but help me endure them with patience.

I dare not ask for improved memory,

but for a growing humility and a lessening cocksureness

when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others.

Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken.

Keep me reasonable sweet.

I do not want to be a saint…

some of them are so hard to live with…

But a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil.

Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places

and talent in unexpected people.

And give me O Lord, the Grace to tell them so."


Sunday, February 06, 2011

Dang! I missed today's best time

I'm sorry . . . and I say that with the utmost sincerity (especially since I'm likely the only one I'm saying it to - which makes it all that much more pathetic) . . . but I really wanted to write about something, anything, today. So I thought I might write about my relationship with blogging. However, as the linked graphic clearly shows, I just missed the ideal time to do so today and, alas, it appears mostly downhill from here.

Nevertheless, thanks to Amplify, I can still fulfill my obligation to myself and get back to work so I can relax and watch some of the best commercials we're likely to see all year. Incidentally, I think there's a football game wrapped around those commercials. Don't quote me on it, though.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Gladwell for Dummies | The Nation

This is an interesting (and quite long) primer on Malcolm Gladwell, written before his comments regarding social media and social movements. It's surely worthy of a read if you're trying to figure out just how valuable his opinion is. The author of this piece, Maureen Tkacik, casts a fair amount of doubt on his ability to really understand much of anything . . . I think :).

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Consider Attending IBM's Social Business Jam? Here's How!

I am a VIP guest taking part in a unique opportunity to engage in an interactive discussion about the growing influence of social technology in business.

On February 8-11, 2011 I will be joining IBM to host their Social Business Jam where we will cooperatively explore the value of social technology in business, the mitigation of its risks, and the management system required to drive the social transformation required for its use. This web-based event will provide an unrivalled opportunity for thousands of leaders from around the world to pool their knowledge and experiences, and to examine this next generation of business. I urge you to participate. Learn more here:

There will be 5 discussion forums occurring simultaneously, where participants can join any time during the event. The subjects of these forums are:

  • Building the Social Business of the Future

  • Building Participatory Organizations Through Social Adoption

  • Using Social to Understand and Engage with Customers

  • What does Social mean for IT?

  • Identifying Risks and Establishing Governance

Participation does not require your full-time involvement during the 72 hours of the event. You can log-in to the Jam whenever you are available, and spend as much time as you want to comment, read or engage in topic areas you find most interesting. We're looking forward to your participation!

Please join me in this exciting conversation about the new era of business:

1. Register for the Jam: Please register for the Jam via this link:

2. Spread the word about the Jam: Please help us generate buzz about this upcoming event via Twitter (#sbjam) and other channels of communication you have access to.


Friday, January 28, 2011

In Memorium - STS-51-L Challenger

A little over three weeks ago I wrote a personal reflection on the Challenger disaster, as it changed my life not insignificantly and this anniversary kind of coincided with the end of the changes the original event precipitated. I just thought I'd share my post once again. It's at

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm OK, You're a Pathological Techno-Geek

You won't go wrong reading the entire review, but in the interest of brevity I am herewith sharing the author's final paragraph. It's a couple days old. Sorry :)

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Antisocial media

An MIT professor and psychologist argues our modern wired lifestyle is damaging us and our relationships, but she may be a bit premature

(Tatsuro Kiuchi)

Globe Correspondent

January 16, 2011

But, suppose human nature is more malleable than her psychological model allows. Suppose the Internet is devising a self that is social in new ways that include intimacy, but that also find real human value in thinly spread connections. Turkle’s observations raise disturbing issues, but her theoretical framework so colors her conclusions that, although her book will spark useful debate, it settles less than she seems to think. The changes our technology is bringing are challenging our conceptual frameworks for understanding those changes, including the psychological standpoint Turkle takes as secure.

David Weinberger is a senior researcher at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society. He can be reached at
© Copyright 2011 Globe Newspaper Company.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Please Help!

Hello. My name is Rick and . . . well . . . I'm a bit of a Social Media addict. I've been able to resist Farmville, but I still check in frequently to see what's up on Facebook. I follow amazingly fascinating and informing people on Twitter and have connected with them on Facebook as well. Many of them are in far away locations on the planet, so there's almost always a conversation going on; at any time of day or night. Today it became clear to me just how much of a problem this is for me.

I have an iMac, an iPad, and (I know this probably seems heretical, but what can I say?) an HTC Hero running Google Android. I use or have used Twitter's web app, Nambu, Osfoora, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Twitter for iPad, and maybe some services I can't even remember using. I ran my iPad's battery down by about 3:00 pm PST today and had to switch over to my phone exclusively while it's recharging. The process has me twitching a little bit. The alternative is to sit in my home office, tethered to my Mac, but the weather is gorgeous and at least I can be somewhat ambulatory with either of my other devices.

It's not that I'm on Twitter all the time; it's just that I feel compelled to at least pay attention. I also find myself checking in using Foursquare or Facebook Places, and writing reviews on Yelp. I'm fascinated with the quality of information available via Twitter or, lately, Quora.

I can't seem to disengage, and I don't even work in Tech or a large enterprise (at least not anymore). What can I do? My children are begging me to help them be less bored. I should get them their own smart phones I suppose, but they're only 7 and 9. Still . . . the temptation is strong.

My name is Rick. I'm 63 years old, semi-retired, and wondering what to do with this addiction. Please help!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tunisia's President Flees After Riots Fanned by WikiLeaks

A little more information on what's happening in Tunisia.

Tunisia's Revolution Was Twitterized

I think anybody who is interested in the power of social media to revolutionize not merely the way we do business, but the way we live our lives, should be paying close attention to what's happening in Tunisia. I wish I'd known about this earlier. This likely is a harbinger of more changes to come, as peoples' ability to communicate, share, inform, and educate (all of which facilitate collaboration and innovation) expands to ubiquity.

To me this represents an aspect of emergence that is incredibly exciting. It's very democratic and participatory, incredibly disruptive, yet it's hard to say what that will mean as process and structure coalesce behind our desires and needs. Gives me goosebumps!

We couldn't spread democracy through the use of force very effectively (and surely not very efficiently), but technology is doing it for us . . . and to us. I was thinking this is part of our evolution, but then - since we've created the technology - realized it's intelligent design =;^D