I've re-read many of my posts and it seems to me I'm just not cranky enough. Listen. I'm not out in the world every day looking for insults and transgressions against me. I'm just not that offended by all the crap that goes on around my little corner of the world.
Nevertheless, there's plenty out there to be cranky about; it's just not of a personal nature. Oh no. It's far more important than that. Personal insults are . . . well . . . just not that important. I mean you can turn the other cheek, or slap the shit out of someone. Either way, it's between you and him/her and, after all is said and done . . . all is said and done. Next story. Move on.
What's out there to be really cranky about is the lies, distortions, thefts, and homicides being committed in our name on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Our government is out of control and seems to be getting worse every day. Our economy is highly dependent on the suffering of others throughout the world, as it has been at least my entire life. Such is the nature of Imperialism; the thing we're truly world-class at.
So, while I plan on remaining cranky about the "little" things, I'm going to start being a little more verbal about the transgressions I see in government, religion, and all manner of public life. I'm going to spend a little more time putting out my view of the cowards, criminals, and charlatans who are so prominently guiding this country down the road to ruin as fast as their bank accounts can take them.
we've always needed a 'bad guy'
did you catch this--a Y-group link?
maybe most nations seek to ensure their own bad guy as well, or maybe the bad guy volunteers.
remember the Peter Sellars movie?
'The Mouse that Roared'
Yes. I did see that one. It was pointed out in a comment on the Huffington Post. Great shirt.
I don't think the problem is a bad guy. I think it's a bad system; principally a bad economic model. It seems to me Capitalism has outlived its usefulness, other than as a point of historical perspective and as a precautionary tale. Whereas it drove the Industrial Revolution and the Imperialist expansions of Europe and, later, the United States, it has devolved into a system primarily supportive of greed and sloth. Film at 11:00
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