Wednesday, January 05, 2011

How's That New Year's Resolution Working Out?

I don't make New Year's Resolutions, never have. I did, however make an Old Year's Resolution back around Thanksgiving. It was to make it through the holidays without gaining any weight and still enjoy myself.

Putting on my pants this morning I realized I achieved my goal and, in fact, appear to have lost weight. I haven't actually weighed myself, but I believe the ease with which I fit into a pair of pants I don't think would have been all that comfortable a month or so ago is proof enough.

The real point I'm making here is, if you need to do something you don't need to wait around for some (let's face it) arbitrary day in the Earth's revolution around the Sun to commence. I'm pretty convinced New Year's Resolutions are designed to fail. Not a good model, IMO.
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